From viewer's left to right:

  1. 2nd Lt. Herbert H. Becker, Position
  2. Cpl. Walter L. Neal, Position
  3. F/O Roger D. Davies, Position
  4. Cpl. Francis X. Kelly, Position
  5. 2nd Lt. John A. "Jack" Haller, Pilot
  6. 2nd Lt. Thomas A. Blake, Navigator
  7. Cpl. Louis J. Walters, Gunner
  8. Cpl. Oscar Meltzer, Position
  9. Cpl. James T. "JT" Rice, Engineer / Top Turret


  1. Crew Party before being shipped overseas.
  2. Photo Date: Probably March/April 1945
  3. Photo Location: The White Lakes Country Club near Topeka Kansas
  4. Ranks are as of the date of the photo.
  5. The Haller Crew arrived in Nuthampstead April 1945, they did not fly any combat missions.
  6. Photo Reference: Haller-1945-Photo2
  7. Information compiled by the 398th BGMA Web Team with thanks to Ronda Owens, granddaughter of Louis J. Walters for providing the photograph and crew identifications.
  8. If you would like to add information about this photograph, or can provide a better scan, please contact our Crew Photos Coordinator. Please mention the title and photograph date.
  9. Help is needed in confirming the ranks and positions. If you can help, please click the e-mail link above.